Wednesday, August 8, 2007

That's Different

That's Different, originally uploaded by 1m tlc.

Uh, you're supposed to lay on your BACK and look up at the capital dome painting, but to each her own, I guess. In Olive's defense, it was a very warm day and the cool marble and granite is a bit refreshing. I'm speaking from personal experience here.

Things have been very hectic at work and will continue to be for the rest of this month. It's amazing how much more work we accumulate in the digital age with email, cell phones, faxes and the like. It doesn't help any that several of the people I work for continue to work and send emails of more work throughout the weekend. I truly believe our world needs to slow down a bit and remember it is the quality of the life we lead, not the quantity of the work we create for others.

Remeber the good old days when all your computer/word processor was a typewriter? Not so long ago my friends. My first word processor was an IBM Selectric II in 1986, closely followed by a Wang dummy terminal in early 1987. Anyone else?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, m'dear! Looking forward to your posts.

This photo makes it look like there's been an incident. Did someone trip me? Am I praying? Nah, just goofing for the amusement of my friends, as usual.