Sunday, August 12, 2007

Tea for One or Two?

This cup and saucer are in one of the Danish houses at Old World Wisconsin. A very quaint village of original homes, churches, stores and even a school from the late 1800's and early 1900's. It's quite nice, really. I think I was 11 or 12 years old the last time I was there.

This was part of our historical/hysterical weekend. First, Milton House, then, Shawn's cottage on the lake near East Troy. Next day, Old World and swimming. I took two days off and have been trying to catch up at work ever since. Such is life.

The big chore this weekend was cleaning the basement (because its cool down there) and sweeping out the garage. Both are done. Hurrah!

Next weekend -- attacking the flower garden before it attacks me.

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