Monday, December 3, 2007

Trojan Horse

Trojan Horse, originally uploaded by 1m tlc.

This is one of my favorite ornaments. OK, so I have 37 favorite ornaments, so sue me.

I bought this in Heidelberg Germany in August of 2000. Kathe Wolfhart was the store I believe. It's a must for visitors of German decent.

Come on by the house sometime between now and January 1st and I'll show you all the ornaments from Germany and tell you a story about each one. Heck, I'll tell you stories about the ornaments not from Germany as well. I just love to make stuff up to entertain the masses.

Up pretty late this evening. Way, way, WAY too much diet Coke this afternoon and with dinner.

Today was a busy hockey day. First off was moving 2.7 tons of snow, slush and ice out of the driveway just so I could GET to my nephew's hockey games. Yes, games. Little guy had two, back to back in two different arenas. He's only 8 and I don't know how he kept his energy level up the entire day. He had a goal today too -- Way to go Josh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.