Thursday, October 11, 2007


dora, originally uploaded by 1m tlc.

I took several photos in Milton over the weekend. My subjects were very patient, for the most part. This is Dora and the top of Kelly the Dog's head. I took several photos inside and outside. It was odd to see photos of my dad and Dora in shorts and t-shirts on October 6th. Even stranger still was when I went to Janesville and my friend's daughters were swimming in their in-ground pool. It was 86 degrees, sunny and beautiful. I can honestly say I've never dangled my legs in a pool, in Wisconsin, on the first weekend of October. Luckily, Mike hadn't drained the pool yet for the year. Then again, Mike didn't fill the pool up until AFTER Labor Day this year. Something about renovations according to him. I think he's just making excuses for being the worlds best procrastinator. Would have to ask his bride for sure. She's the is honest and truthful spouse.

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