Friday, July 6, 2007

Decked Out

Decked Out, originally uploaded by 1m tlc.

The annual "dress up your bike in red, white and blue" in the Milton, Wisconsin holiday parade. It was a typical, beautiful, 4th of July.

So what did y'all do in your parts of the country? We cook out, plop our law chairs on the terrace of grandma's lawn and wait for the parade to start. Preferably with a beer or adult beverage in one or both hands. Makes it difficult to work a camera sometimes.


bon bon said...

that's a winner, right there!

i notice what you mean about your photos being narrower in blogger. i think you can go into the html part and allot more space for width. it's a little challenging to find through all the code though.

tlc said...

Thanks for the tip. I've tried to widen the area by moving blocks around on the design page, but it still hasn't changed it for the better. I'll keep you posted. (No pun intended!)