Sunday, July 29, 2007

Capitol Steps

Capitol Steps, originally uploaded by 1m tlc.

I've always loved every aspect of the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison, ever since I was a little girl and mom took us to the the Capitol on the tour.

Many, many, many years later, I realized a life long dream and was very fortunate to be able to work inside the building for a few different legislative-type folks. When I walk through those halls, I can feel the years of history wash over me and this gives me a great sense of pride.

With our current political climate in this state, I can honestly say that sense of pride stems from our history and not our present. That's an editorial comment, just incase you weren't sure.

I took two days off of work this week and hung out with friends at their lake house in East Troy, Wisconsin. As Shawn would say, everything's better at the lake! Of course, Shawn made cookies, waffles, steak and shrimp on the grill and we had fresh sweet corn from Meyer's Market in Milton. Double YUM!

After working at home most of the day Saturday, had dinner with gpw, phantom kitty and joel, then off to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix at the IMAX in Madison. 20 minutes were in 3-D, which for the most part, I was OK with. There were a couple scenes where I got scared, and yes, I DID read the book. I'm just a complete coward when it comes to dark suspense in movies. Luckily, I had the handsome guy-friend to cling to for that brief time versus some random person I've never met. There's just something about having a man as a "protector" in scary situations, don't you think? Can you imagine how embarassing that would have been if I didn't know the person sitting next to me?

Christee, if you're reading this, feel free to comment and keep that baby warm!


bon bon said...

lovely shot!

tlc said...

why thank you! captured during my excursion around the capitol on day 2 of the art fair.