Monday, July 30, 2007

miss em and meme

Miss Emm

This is Miss Em. She's four and her sissy, Miss Paige, bought this lolly for her at the annual Relay for Life. A bargain at $2! Em was quite hepped up on sugar for the rest of the evening and eventually crashed in a camp chair next to the campfire.


I was reading phantom kitty's blog this evening and discovered that she has tagged me, so I will also commence to bore you with the following topic titled:

Birth - School - Work - Death. One sentence each.

Birth: The miricle of birth is that women choose to go through the experience more than one time.

School: I was excited to be finished with college, until the student loan payments started.

Work: The longer I stay in this profession, the more pigeon-holed I become.

Death: We are never truly separated from those we love.

I would tag someone if I had more contacts. Perhaps in the future on another meme.


bon bon said...

omg! your blog is changing as i write!! i think my last comment disappeared into a black hole, or the web equivalent.


tlc said...
